Dienstag, 8. März 2011

Hollywood's Filmland Fantasies

- Thomas A. Edison invented the flickering movie in the 1890's

- it became popular
- " real birth" of the motion picture was in 1903 with the release of the first story, The Great Train Robbery

- spectacular among the first full- length classics was D.W: Griffith's The Birth of a Nation ( 1915) - > glorified the Ku Klux Klan and defamed both blacks and Northern carpetbaggers.

- Hollywood in southern California became movie capital of the world
- the motion picture was used extensively during WWI as anti- German propaganda
- much of the immigrants diversity was lost
- movie stars evolved, demandede larger salaries & were more known than nation's political leader
- standardization of tastes and of language hastened entry into American mainstream
- stage for working class ( political coalition would overcome ethnice differences of past)

12 Kommentare:

  1. Good post, Patricia. It sucks to find out that the first "real" movie for America was one that glorified the Ku Klux Klan and racisim. Also, I didn't know previously that America's big Hollywood ordeal started in the 20's.

  2. The Great Train robbery was actually a good film. Though it only lasted around 10 minutes compared to the 2 hour movies nowadays, it was a huge improvement in Cinema

  3. I was just wondering how film made the immigrants lose their diversity? I think it's really neat that this is when Hollywood really started and that the working class could just get up there and well.. act. Great job!

    p.s. It's super cool that your blog is in German :)

  4. Darn KKK... fraking ruin everything don't they? Lots of the original movies that came out in Hollywood would be slapped a big "X" rating now-a-days. Living in Los Angeles I was in movie central and inerestingly enough, those old, old films are very popular! I personally enjoy old movies to a large degree and my father has shown me more films from pre WWII than one could ever really need. Good post!

  5. Your soo lucky Patricia! You got to blog about movies...lol :) Although I don't think I would have enjoyed some of the first movies- their subject matter seems so sad and gloomy :(
    Good job on your part though!

  6. Patricia.
    Great post. I really learned a lot from reding it. I cant imagine watching a 10 mintue film, that would suck. And I find it said that the first major film was about the KKK. That is kind of pathetic. But you really know how to make the information interesting.

  7. In the past, movies like The Great Train Robbery and Grifith's Birth of Nation were considered the Dark Knights and the Avatars of today. Isnt that cool and strange at the same time? NICEE!

  8. In der Vergangenheit, Filme wie der große Zug Raub und Grifith die Geburt der Nation wurden als die dunklen Ritter und der avatare von heute bezeichnet. Ist das nicht, cool und komisch zugleich? NICEE!

  9. Thanks for a good review of this topic.
    Alexis raised a good question in her comment. The idea is that as people watched the same films and participated in consumption of news about the same "celebrities" they no longer were as likely to participate in the traditional forms of entertainment (song, dance, even food, local festivals, etc., ), and people were exposed to broader patterns of speech and lifestyle than they might otherwise have been in their local neighborhoods.

  10. It scares me how so many people glorified the KKK. YOu think that on basic morals of right v wrong, poeple would realize that the KKK was really, really, REALLy wrong... I find something in movies very intresting: the bad guys' nationalities always change to the nationality America is currently at war with or has tensions with or is just a general enemy. So, if you look through the times periods you can see bad guys going from Native Americans to British to Chinese to Germans to Russians etc... OH! My dad was watching Dirty Jobs last night and learned that the Western termite actually spread to the entire American land through movie distributions!! The movies were sent around in wooden boxes, essentially termite homes. Doesn't that suck!?
    great blog post. The info is very summarized and easy to understand.

    Uh oh... which button do I press to post? (;P)

  11. Danke schoen for the quick and to-the-point review of Hollywood! Can you imagine the world today without the movie business? It's also very interesting to see how the movie business heightened the mainstreaming of American culture. Sehr Gut!

  12. Thank you Mrs. Lawson for the explanation of Alexi's question..
    I love how you all try to post in german;)
    Ich bin sehr stolz auf euch :)
