Dienstag, 1. März 2011

Progressive Era "Acts"

7. Progressive Era Conservation/ Land use Acts:
Desert Land Act 1877:
This was the first feeble step toward conversation, under which the federal government sold arid land cheaply on the condition that the pruchaser irrigate the thirsty soil within 3 years.
Forest Reserve Act,1891:
This Act was more successful. It authirized the president to set aside public forests as national parks and other reserves. Under this, 46 million acres of trees were rescued and preserved from posterity.

Carey Act:,1894:
This Act distributed federal land to the staes on the condition that it be irrigated and settled. 
Newlands Act of 1902:
With this Washington was authorized to collect money from the sale of public lands in the western states and then use theses funds for the development of irrigation porjects. 
=> The Progressives were concerned about a disappearance of the frontier. They were worried that too much civilization might not be good for the national soul. They believed to be the source of such national characeteristics as individualism and democracy.

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